List of All Viceroys in India (1858-1947)

List of All Viceroys in India (1858-1947)

List of All Viceroys in India (1858-1947)– This article consists of the list of viceroys in India from 1858 to 1947.

  • The title of viceroy was introduced post the battle of 1857.
  • “Lord Canning” was the last  Governor-General of India and also the first Viceroy of British India.
  • The British government witnessed the mismanagement by the East India company and therefore the government introduced a representative head titled as the Viceroy of India.
  • Here is the list of Viceroys in India from 1858-1947 and Important events happened during their tenure.
  • This period witnessed various important events in India including the formation of “Indian National Congress” (INC) in 1885 during the reign of Lord Dufferin, Shifting of capitals from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911, Round Table Conferences in which Mahatma Gandhi was also a part. Various Acts signed and many more.
  • This section must not be ignored by the candidates preparing for any competitive exams as most of the questions are directly asked form this period. List of All Viceroys in India (1858-1947)

Last Governor General of British India – Lord Canning

First Viceroy of British India – Lord Canning

Last Viceroy of British India – Lord Mountbatten

Last Governor General of Independent India – C.R Rajagopalachari

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List of All Viceroys in India (1858-1947)

S.No.ViceroyPeriodImportant events during their reign
1Lord Canning1858-62He was the last Governor-General and first Viceroy of British India

Concept of Budget was started in 1860 by James Wilson

“Income Tax Act” (1858)

“Income Councils Act” (1861) Revolt of 1857 took place.  
2Lord Elgin I1862-63Suppression of Wahabi Movement  
3John Lawrence1864-69Establishment of High court in Calcutta, Madras (1865)

Bhutanese War (1864-65)

Indian Forest Department were setup (1865)
4Lord Mayo1869-72First Census (Irregular) in India (1872)

Establishment of “Statistical Survey of India”

Financial Decentralization in India

First Viceroy in the Histroy who was killed during his reign.
5Lord Northbrook1872-76Kuka Movement in Punjab (1872)

Civil Marriage and Arya Samaj introduced.

Intercaste Marriage allowed.

Introduction of “Universersal Marriage Act” (187)
6Lord Lytton1876-1880Vernacular Press Act (1878), Arms Act (1878)

Organised 1st Grand Durbar in Delhi (1877)

Maximum age to take up civil services exam lowered from 21 to 19.

Abolished tax on cotton for British traders  
7Lord Rippon1880-841st Census (regular) in India

Passed the 1st Factory Act in 1881

Passed “Local Government Act” in 1882

Introduced the infamous Ilbert Bill in 1883

Also known as the Father of Panchayati Raj System.
8Lord Dufferin1884-883rd Burmese War (1885)

“Indian National Congress” (INC) was founded in 1885.
9Lord Lansdowne1888-94Passed the 2nd Factory Act in 1891

Indian Councils Act 1892 (Indirect election was introduced for the 1st time)

Appointed Durand Commission in 1893
10Lord Elgin II1894-99Great Famine (Drought) in India occur in 1895 and so he appointed Lyall Commission

He was killed by Chapekar (Ramkrishna & Damodar) Brothers. This was the first political murder.  
11Lord Curzon1899-1905Death of “Queen Victoria” in 1901 and he built Victoria Memorial in Calcutta

Pass “Indian Coinage and Paper Currency Act (1899)

Police Commission (1902) under Andrew Frazer

Universities Commission (1902) under Thomas Railey
Pass “Indian Universities Act” in 1904

Pass “Ancient Monument Protection Act” in 1905

Partition of Bengal (1905)
12Lord Minto-II1905-10Swadeshi Movement started.

Formation of All India Muslim League (1906) in Dhaka   Founder- Nawab Khwaja Salimullah

Split of Congress (1907) at Surat.

Morley- Minto Reform
13Lord Hardinge -II1910-16Transfer of capital from Calcutta to Delhi (1911)

Construction of Gateway of India to welcome King George V

Partition of Bengal cancel (1911)

Hindu Mahasabha was established (1915) by Madan Mohan Malviya.

1st Women University was started in Pune
14Lord Chelmsford1916-21Home Rule League Movement started

Lucknow Pact (1916) signed.

Champaran Satyagraha (1917) for Indigo cultivation.
Kheda Satyagraha (1918) for Land Taxes
Ahmedabad Satyagraha (1919) for Plague

Passed Rowlatt’s Act in 1919.

Montague-Chelmsford August Declaration (1917)

Non-Cooperation Movement (1920) started
15Lord Reading1921-26Khilafat Movement (1921) started.

Chauri Chaura incident (1922) took place resulting in withdrawal of Non-Cooperation Movement.  

Swaraj Party (1922) was formed by C.R Das & Motilal Nehru.

Kakori Train Incident (1925) took place  
16Lord Irwin1926-31Diwali Declaration (1929)

Launch of Civil Disobedience Movement and Dandi March (1930)

1st Round Table Conference (1930) was held.

Gandhi- Irwin Pact (1931)
17Lord Willingdon1931-362nd Round Table (1931) & 3rd Round Table (1932) were held.

Poona Pact (1932) was signed between Dr. B.R Ambedkar & Mahatma Gandhi.

Communal Award (1932) was started.

Congress Socialist Party (1934)
18Lord Linlithgow1936-19441st General Election (1936-37)
Lahore Resolution (1940)
Quit India Movement (1942)
Cripps Mission (1942)
19Lord Wavell1944-47C.R Formula (1944)
Launch of “Direct Action day” (1946)
INA Trials & Naval Mutiny (1946)
Wavell Plan & Shimla Conference (1945)
20Lord Mountbatten1947-48He was the last Viceroy and first Governor General of free India
Mountbatten Plan (1947)

Note: C.R Rajagopalachari was the last Governor General of Independent India.

Viceroys of India (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1)Who was the first Viceroy of India?

Ans. Lord Canning was the first Viceroy of India. His tenure lasted for four years between 1858 to 1862.

Q2) Who is a Viceroy?

The Governor-General of India was given the title of Viceroy, that is, a personal representative of the Crown. This is one of the important changes after the British Parliament passed a new Act in 1858 and transferred the powers of the East India Company to the British Crown in order to ensure more responsible management of Indian affairs.

Q3) Who was the first Viceroy of India after independence?

Lord Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of India and the first Governor-General of independent India. He was sent as Viceroy to India in March to make arrangements for the transfer of Power by June 1948.

Q4) Who was the last Viceroy of India?

Ans. Lord Mountbatten (1947-48) was the last viceroy of the British Indian Empire and the first Governor-General of independent India.

Q5) Who was the last Governor-General of Independent India?

Ans. C.R Rajagopalachari was the last Governor-General of Independent India.

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