The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 A.D)- Medieval History of India

The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 A.D)- Medieval History of India

The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 A.D)

  • The year from 1206 to 1526 A.D is referred as the Delhi Sultanate period.
  • The  Delhi Sultanate were the Muslims based in Delhi that dominated the Indian subcontinent for 320 years.
  • The Turkish ruler Mohammad Ghori’s conquests laid the foundation of Delhi Sultanate from 1206 to 1526 AD. This period witnessed many dynasties and rulers that ruled over large parts of India in medieval history of Indian period.
  • This period can be classified in 5 distinct period:1) The Slave Dynasty(1206-90)    2) The Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)  3) The Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414)             4) The Sayyid Dynasty (1414-51)  5) The Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526)
  • In this article, We will discuss these dynasties and their rulers in detail helpful for all SSC aspirants. 1206 ad to 1526 The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 A.D)

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The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 A.D)

1) Slave Dynasty/ Mamluk Dynasty (1206-1290)

Qutubuddin Aibak1206-101) He was a Turkish ruler, he was made Governor of Delhi  by Mohammad Ghori.
2) He was given title of “Lakh Baksh.”
3) He started the construction of Qutub Minar after the name of famous Sufi saint Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar.
4) He died in 1206 while playing horse polo.  
Shamsuddin Illtutmish1211-361) He was a slave of Aibak and occupied the throne of Delhi in 1211.
2) He was the greatest slave ruler and is regarded as the “real founder of the Delhi Sultanate.”
3) He completed the construction of Qutub Minar which was started by Aibak.
4) He introduced the Silver coin (tanka) and the Copper coin (jital) and also introduced the Iqta system.
5) He formed a group of 40 turkish people for mobility of slaves called Turkan-i-Chahangani.
6) He died in the year 1236 AD.  
Ruknuddin1236He was the son of Illtutmish.  
Razia Sultana1236-401) She was the “first and only Muslim women to ever ruled in India.”
2) She married to an Abyssian slave Yakut.
3) Bahram Shah (brother of Razia Sultan) killed Razia Sultan and Altunia (governor of Bhatinda) in Kaithal in 1240 AD.  
Bahram Shah1240-421) He was put on the throne by the powerful turkish council Chalisa.
2) He was considered only as the de jure ruler.  
Masud Shah1242-461) He was the son of Ruknuddin.  
Nasiruddin Mahmud1246-661) He was the son of Illtutmish and was known as the Darvesi King as he was very pious and noble.  
Ghiyasuddin Balban1266-871) He was the member of Turkan-i-Chalangani and destroyed it later on.
2) He established the military department Diwan-i-Arz. 
3) Introduce the policy of “Blood and Iron.”
4) Assume the title of “Zil-i-Ilahi.”
5) He introduced Navroz Festival in India.  
Kaiqubad 1287-901) In 1290 CE, Feroz, the Ariz-e-Mumalik (the minister of war) murdered Kaimur and captured the throne who later established the Khilji dynasty.

2) Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)

Jalaluddin Khilji1290-961)He was Founder of the Khilji dynasty.
2) He became king at the age of 70 years.
3) Introduce the policy of tolerance.
4) He died in 1296 A.D by poison given by Alauddin Khilji.  
Alauddin Khilji1296-13161) He accepted the policy of Blood and Iron.Also known by the name of Sikander-i-Sani (Alexander of India)
2) He killed Maharaja Ratan Singh of Mewar and wanted to marry his wife, Padmawati.
3) Buy a Eunach (Transgender) named Malik Kafur (also known as “Hazaar Dinari”)   from slave market in Gujarat. 
4) First Eunach in history which later became General in Khilji dynasty.
5) Alauddin Khilji was the first to bring “Standing Army System.”
6) First sultanate to collect taxes in cash.
7) He was a great disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya.“
8) Amir Khusrau” was his court poet and known as Tuti-i-Hind (Parrot of India) by Alauddin Khilji.
9) He died in 1316 A.D.  
Qutubuddin Mubarak Shah1316-201) After the death of Alauddin Khilji, Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah (one of the sons of Alauddin) ascended the throne.  
Nasiruddin Khusro Khan13201) He was the last ruler of Khilji dynasty.
2) He was killed in 1320 A.D and ascended the throne under the title Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.  
3)Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414)

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq/ Ghazi Malik  1320-251) Founder of the Tughlaq dynasty and ascended the throne under the title Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.
2) First ruler to introduce “Irrigation work.”
3) He laid the foundation stone of Tughlaqabad Fort near Delhi.  
Jauna Khan/ Md. Bin Tughlaq1325-511) He ascended the throne under the title Md. Bin Tughlaq.
2) He had many future plans but implemented them foolishly and so he was also known by the name of “wisest fool.”
3) He was one of the most controversial rulers in the Indian history.
4) He was the only Delhi Sultan who had received a comprehensive literary, religious and philosophical education.
5) Famous Moroccan traveller “Ibn Batuta” came during his reign.
6) He died in 1351 A.D due to the worsening of his health condition.  
Feroz Shah Tughlaq1351-881) After the death of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, Firoz Shah Tughlaq was chosen as the Sultan by the nobles.
2) He was very fond of cities and build 600 cities in India. He  introduced 4 taxes based on the Quran.
a) Kharaj– was a land tax. b) Zakat– was a property tax. c) Jizya– levied on Non-Muslims d) Khams– was levied during the wars. Build separate Agricultural department Diwan-i-kohi.
3) He has the greatest number of slaves (1.80lakh) controlled by Diwan-i-Bandagon.
4) He repaired many canals and imposed Haque-i-Sharb (water tax).  
Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah1394-14131) He was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty.
2) In 1398-99 A.D Timur’s invasion, a cruel conqueror from Mongolia took place.
3) He sacked and plundered Delhi.  

4) Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451)

Khizr Khan1414-211) He was the founder of Sayyid dynasty.
2) He is considered as the important ruler of the Sayyid dynasty.  
Mubarak Shah1421-331) He was the son of Khizr Khan.  
Muhammad Shah1434-43  ————-
Ahmed Shah1445-511) He was the last ruler of Sayyid dynasty.
2) He was the weakest amongst all the rulers.
3) “Hamid Khan” was the PM of Ahmed Shah who invited Bahlol Lodhi to take charge of the army.  

5) Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526)

Note: The Lodhi Dynasty marked the end of the Delhi Sultanate period and the beginning of the Afghan rule in India.

Bahlol Lodhi1451-891) He was the founder of Lodhi dynasty.
2) He annexed the Sharqui dynasty and introduced Bahlol copper coins.  
Sikander Lodhi1489-15171) He was the greatest among all the Lodhi rulers.
2) He introduced Gazz-i-Sikandari, for measuring agricultural land.
3) He conquered Bihar and West Bengal.
4) He was a fanatical Muslim and broke the sacred image of “Jwalamukhi Temple.”
5) He shifted the capital from Delhi to Agra (city founded by him).  
Ibrahim Lodhi1517-261) He was the last ruler of Lodhi dynasty and last sultan of Delhi.
2) He was considered as the very harsh ruler.
3) At last, “Daulat Khan Lodhi” (governor of Punjab) invited Babur to overthrow Ibrahim Lodhi.  
Note: Babur accepted the offer and defeated the Ibrahim Lodhi in the “1st Batte of Panipat” in 1526 A.D marking the end of the Delhi Sultanate.

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